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Best Tarot Teaching Classes in Mumbai

Best Tarot Teaching Classes in Mumbai

The answer lies with the unconscious -that deep level of memory and awareness that reside within each of us,but outside our everyday experience. We may never know the full range and power of the unconscious,but there are ways to explore it's landscape. Many techniques have been developed for this purpose-Tarot is one of them. Most of the time you will consult the Tarot because you are facing a problem or challenge. And you want to understand why it is happening and what you can do about it. I use the Tarot because it is one of the tools to access your inner guide. That you are open to it's wisdom. It act as wise adviser who knows us well by learning Tarot we know how to access our inner Guide. And we see more clearly,how we bring together the scattered elements of our lives to fulfil our destinies.

Discover the Best Tarot Teaching Classes in Mumbai by renowned Tarot Card Reader, Vijita Tewari. With years of experience and expertise, Vijita brings a unique and comprehensive approach to tarot learning. Her classes cater to beginners and enthusiasts, fostering a deep understanding of tarot symbolism, card interpretations, and intuitive skills.

Vijita's teaching methodology is interactive, engaging, and tailored to individual learning styles. Students delve into various spreads and practice real-life scenarios, gaining confidence in their readings. Emphasizing ethical practices, she instills a sense of responsibility and mindfulness in her pupils.

The benefits of Vijita Tewari's Tarot Teaching Classes extend beyond card reading skills. Students also experience personal growth, heightened intuition, and spiritual awareness. Graduates have praised her mentorship for the positive impact it has had on their lives, both personally and professionally.

Embark on an enriching journey with Vijita Tewari and unlock the mysteries of the tarot. Join her transformative classes to embark on a path of self-discovery and embrace the wisdom of the cards.